What is this Observatory?

The online Observatory of Talent Management Practices in Asian Universities is a place where academics, non-academics, professionals, and any stakeholder can share their knowledge and experiences with the university community.

On the one hand, the observatory compiles a list of best practices on talent management in universities with the necessary information to implement them efficiently. Furthermore, these best practices contain a description of possible barriers to their adoption and metrics for their monitoring. On the other hand, the observatory publishes regular news, academic references, scientific conferences, and practitioner reports about talent management practices in general and in the specific case of universities.

This observatory is one of the outputs of the project aTM (Promoting Modern Talent Management Practices in Asian Higher Education institutions.), which overall aim was to improve the activities and processes that involve the systematic attraction, identification, development, engagement, retention, and deployment of those employees which are of particular value to Asian universities to create sustainable strategic success. The project was co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union (Project Ref.: 598111-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP).

Talent Management Practices

The observatory contains more than 100+ talent management practices (objectives and actions) for universities.

News about Talent Management

The observatory publish news, academic references, and practitioner reports about talent management.

Tool Kit for Talent Management

The observatory offers a complete tool kit for developing talent management practices in universities.

Our Partners

Several Asian and European Universities have been working together to develop and maintain this online observatory of Talent Management Practices in the Asian Higher Education Instituions, as well as the Tool-Kit for designing Talent Management Practices.

Last News and TM Practices

Here, you can find the last News and Talent Management Practices that have been published in this online observatory. We upload news and TM practices regularly with the objective of informing the community of the most recent contributions in the field.

Development of Faculty Members

By Xiaopu Shang on January 13, 2022

Name Development of Faculty Members. Description The University and the School recognize that the professional development of faculty members is key to the institution’s performance and its future. Hence a range of initiatives have been promulgated, including: Opinions on Strengthening the Development of Talent at Beijing Jiaotong University; Interim measures for BJTU to Encourage Young Faculty Members to Take Up Temporary Positions for Training; Implementation Measures for Selecting Key Faculty Members from the School of Economic Management to Study Abroad; Management Measures for Faculty Members in SEM to Acquire Business Experience

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Performance Evaluation for Faculty Members

By Xiaopu Shang on January 13, 2022

Name Performance Evaluation for Faculty Members. Description Every four years there is an employment evaluation, which sets different performance expectations for the different academic ranks-Professor, Associate Professor, Lecturer and Researcher. The evaluation system also covers the performance of leadership duties for Associate Deans and Heads of Department. Faculty members complete a form that summarizes their research, teaching and service over the last four years, against the criteria set out in their employment contract.

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To build 360-degree feedback for administration staff

By WU Xiaohui on January 13, 2022

Name To build 360-degree feedback for administration staff. Description In order to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the employee, we try to build a 360-degree performance appraisal system. The superiors, subordinates, colleagues, students and administrative members are all included as the evaluators. Key performance indicators were chosen differently based on the job characteristics of administrative members. The results of the evaluation will serve as a reference for one’s rewards, punishments training, etc.

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To compile a teacher Guideline for new employee

By SI Shanglin on January 13, 2022

Name To compile a teacher Guideline for new employee. Description In order to provide a brief Information Guideline for teachers, the human resources department compile a teacher guideline for new employees. The handbook describes the mission and vision, code of ethics and conduct, and all the circulars and procedures(including OA system operation, application for asset purchase, application for infrastructure maintenance, etc.) of Tongji University. And an Information Guideline for High-level Talent is also provided as a supplement of the Guideline, which is complied with more information about exclusive policy for high-level talent

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