
Competency-based talent management based on the integration of naqli and aqli knowledge

Name Competency-based talent management based on the integration of naqli and aqli knowledge. Description The uniqueness of this Competency -Based Talent Management Model is that this model was developed through reference to Ilmu Naqli and Aqli which thoroughly looks at the application of Islamic values to talent that leads to significant competency improvement in supporting Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM). Importance and/or impact of the best practice The first impact (1) is the talent to be able to appear as an Islamic professional, that is, a person who appreciates Islamic values by having a good relationship with God (hablum minallah) and a good relationship with humans (hablum minannas) as well as having love for USIM by adhering to the Core Values USIM.

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Executive Certificate for Teaching and Learning

Name Executive Certificate for Teaching and Learning. Description Executive Certificate awarded to academic staff who have attended all the compulsory teacher development workshops. Importance and/or impact of the best practice Sense of achievement and motivation for the academic staff and good staff retention rate. Source Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

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Flexible working hours

Name Flexible working hours. Description Academic staff is given flexi working hours during the week . Importance and/or impact of the best practice To allow staff the time to embark on research projects. Source Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

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Integrated Succession Planning

Name Integrated Succession Planning. Description ILD, UiTM has developed a comprehensive assessment and profiling for the talents. The mapping of talents to the strategic posts are properly reviewed and placed in the leadership matrix box. The expected number ready successors from total talents are 15%. UiTM has more than 2000 talents from 18000 staff. Importance and/or impact of the best practice The nomination of successors for strategic posts are properly structured.

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Mock lecture for potential candidate

Name Mock lecture for potential candidate. Description The department conducts mock lectures before calling the potential candidate in for an official interview with the management of the university. Importance and/or impact of the best practice To ensure that potential candidate is able to deliver their lectures in a precise and lucid manner. Source Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

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Pay for Performance

Name Pay for Performance. Description Managing performance based on KPIs. Rewarding and sanctioning according to effort and results. Importance and/or impact of the best practice Overall workforce motivation. Source Universiti Malaysia Pahang

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Pelaksanaan Pengurusan Bakat Berasakan Kompetensi

Name Pelaksanaan Pengurusan Bakat Berasakan Kompetensi Description Pilot penilaian kompetensi kakitangan pentadbiran (P&P). Penilaian menggunakan kaedah Behavioral Event Self Assesment (BESA). Hasil daripada perkara ini akan dianalisis untuk memperbaiki pengurusan Sumber Manusia. Importance and/or impact of the best practice Penentuan jenis latihan kepada kakitangan. Membantu penentuan Pelan Penggantian. Menambahbaik penilaian prestasi berasaskan kompetensi dan KPI. Membantu dalam penempatan tempat bertugas dan juga kenaikan pangkat serta pengambilan pekerja. Source Universiti Malaysia Sabah

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Penetapan perjawatan staf bukan akademik berdasarkan kedudukan (rating) kriteria tertentu

Name Penetapan perjawatan staf bukan akademik berdasarkan kedudukan (rating) kriteria tertentu. Description Penetapan kedudukan ini bertujuan untuk menentukan bilangan perjawatan yang optimum di sesebuah Pusat Tanggungjawab berdasarkan dua (2) kelompok utama iaitu dua belas (12) Pusat Tanggungjawab akademik dan tiga puluh (30) Pusat Tanggungjawab bukan akademik di USIM. Importance and/or impact of the best practice Pemantapan pengurusan sumber manusia melalui rasionalisasi perbekalan sumber manusia dengan matlamat mengoptimumkan agihan perjawatan untuk meningkatkan kecekapan sejajar dengan kemampuan kewangan Universiti.

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Pengambilan dan Kenaikan Pangkat

Name Pengambilan dan Kenaikan Pangkat Description Pilot penggunaan sub-sistem Competency Based Interview Technique [CBIT] bagi mengubah kaedah temuduga kepada berasaskan kompetensi. Importance and/or impact of the best practice Integrasi dengan eJobs, CV-online, STAR (rekod kehadiran), LNPT dan CBTM. Penjimatan bahan bercetak untuk temuduga. Rekod markah dan ulasan Ahli Panel lebih mudah. Memudahkan penyediaan Minit Temuduga dan kertas dasar perakuan. Source Universiti Malaysia Sabah

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Teacher Development Workshops

Name Teacher Development Workshops. Description Design and conduct a series of teacher development workshops for academic staff who do not have formal teacher training or teaching experience at tertiary level. Importance and/or impact of the best practice A pool of academicians with the right skills, knowledge and effective teaching delivery methodologies to be able to promote effective student experience and learning outcome. Source Tunku Abdul Rahman University College

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